Register For A Wilderness First Aid Class Today!

ASHI Wilderness First Aid Certification (Valid for 2 Years)
Boy Scouts of America (BSA) Compliant Program
Take Your Outdoor Survival Skills to the Next Level!
Recommended for: Camp Counselors, Trail Guides, Backpackers, Hikers and other Outdoor Enthusiasts.
Class Topics Covered: Control of Bleeding, Dressing Wounds, Care for Burns, Splinting, Extended Injury Management, Care for Bites and Stings, Heat and Cold Emergencies, Altitude Sickness, Lightning Strikes, and more.
Prerequisite: Current CPR/AED Certification
Duration: 16-hour class (two 8-hour sessions) with an emphasis on hands-on skills
and scenario practices.
What is Wilderness First Aid?
Wilderness First Aid (WFA) is an in-depth First Aid Certification course that focuses on prevention, assessment, and care for an injured or ill person in a remote wilderness environment where EMS or rapid medical transport may not be readily available.

Who Needs Wilderness First Aid (WFA) Training?
Wilderness First Aid (WFA) training is for people who spend time in the outdoors away from medical services. This includes Backpackers, Hikers, Campers, Hunters, Fishermen, Trail Guides, Camp Leaders, Boy Scout Leaders, Girl Scout Leaders, and other outdoor enthusiasts. Wilderness First Aid Certification is required by one or two people per trek at Boy Scouts of America High Adventure Bases. WFA Certification is also required for Girl Scout Leaders taking troops abroad.
WFA Certification
Successful participants will receive American Safety and Health Institute (ASHI) WFA Certification (valid for 2 years). This training meets or exceeds the Boy Scouts of America Wilderness First Aid Curriculum and Doctrine Guidelines, 2017 Edition.