Awards For Using CPR, First Aid, And More...

You May Qualify
You may qualify for an American Red Cross Lifesaving Award if you used a lifesaving skill taught in an American Red Cross course. You learned with us and now we’d like to get you the recognition that you deserve.
To Qualify
To qualify you would need to have used the lifesaving skills of First Aid, performing CPR, using an AED, using an epinephrine auto-injector, performing care for choking, or even calling 9-1-1 to save a life.
There Are Three Different Awards
- American Red Cross Certificate of Merit
- For anyone who is Red Cross trained including Professional Responders who were off duty when they saved a life.
- The certificate is signed by the President of the United States
- American Red Cross Lifesaving Award for Professional Responders
- For Red Cross trained Professional Responders who were on duty when they saved a life.
- American Red Cross Certificate of Extraordinary Personal Action
- For anyone who is not Red Cross trained.
How To Get Started
We want to hear how you used your skills to help another person in need. Once received, we will work with you to get proper documentation ready for the nomination process and get nomination rolling. Once approved, you will receive a nationally recognized award for saving a life, a huge accomplishment!
Tell Us Your Story